Wednesday 12 October 2011

Hello! so much has happened in the last little while that I want to share with you all!!!

We had your first week of teaching with Jan Huse, our base leader - "To Know God and Make Him Known". Which was such a great topic to start with, leading up to RISK. Though it was hard to stay still during all the teaching!! (I did though!) Full of so much good stuff, don't know if I can regurgitate it for you...

Being a History Maker:
The biggest part of the last little while was being a part of RISK - Jesus to all of Europe, where there was a team in every country of europe praying at the same time to intercede for the people and country. After a  nearly 12 hour bus ride from Alesund to Skien we had a three day training in the Skien base (an old prison) with about 3 or 4 other bases. I was staying in a room with 6 other girls, 4 of whom are students of that base so it was veldig koselig (very cosy). There was a lot of teaching and then some street evangelism. Walking around the city of Skien in pairs, we gave out lollipops (kjærlighet  pinne - love on a stick). trying to strike up conversations - which didn't really for me and my pair. And then on the other day we practiced 'treasure hunting' where you ask God for some specific words/details about who you are going to meet etc. My partner and I didn't find much of the 'words' we got, but we did find some unexpected treasure, hopefully we were able to bless those people. On Thursday my team of three others left for Cyprus, arriving local time at midnight. From the airport we caught a cab to the sea side town of Kyrenia and checked into a hotel at 1am. That first cab driver turned out to be the only one we met who could actually speak English and we were able to have a great conversation with about what we were doing in the country. Friday we ventured around the quant harbour side village of Kyrenia, where there are lots of cats and dogs just roaming free and as you walk along the street, you are meet with multiple waiters trying to persuade you to eat at their restaurants. Our first stop after the ATM was a little turkish delight shop, where we had to deal with the different currencies (Turkish Lira and Euros).  There are so many tourist in the town, we met store keepers and other tourist while doing some treasure hunting and just meeting people. On both Friday and Saturday we had designated prayer times when all the teams across Europe were praying at the same time. We stopped at the Dove Fountain in the centre of town for our first prayer time on Friday. Something very different was to use pay to use a 'squatty potty'! Breakfast was included in our stay at the hotel - Mediterranean!! Saturday we traveled for half an hour into Nicosia the capital city. Our team verse was 1 Timothy 1 & 2:  I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. We took this literally and were praying for the city and and to make connections with the government. We stopped for coffee at a small coffee shop (which was great!), we met the owner who turned out to be an ex-government official. Wow! answer to prayer#1! and then while we were talking to him, he gave us contact number to people in high places! #2! At 1pm (designated prayer time) we decided to pray in the Mosque, while we were there we left the 1Tim1&2 verse taped to the floor where we had been sitting. After we wander to the shopping area to eat kababs and meet an English family familiar with YWAM and told them we were praying for Europe. During our second prayer time on Friday night I got and idea for an evangelism tool to make puzzle pieces to leave around the place with one side saying the missing piece and the other side with a scripture verse on it. We were able to make some of these and leave them places. As there is division between north and south, Greek and Turkish, we wanted to cross the border. We had a couple of divine appointments, and were able to meet and pray for people who were really needing it!!! On Sunday we went back in to the capital and found New Life International church, turns out our contact, who we couldn't actually get in contact with, went there. We were asked to share testimonies with them and encourage them!

I wish I could share all the details of these stories but I have to make dinner! Thanks for praying!!!

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